I thought I’d only be enjoying homemade cinnamon rolls and coffee.
It was an hour drive to Lapu-lapu and I thought I should bring my camera just in case.
You know sometimes when you plan not to have a plan at all?
The rest, they say, is history.

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March 25, 2014
In the sharp morning light I still discern the most delicious images, that I like so much !! Coming back to watch in the afternoon :) ella
March 31, 2014
Photos make me want to bake at 12 in the morning! I'm back bloghopping from one favorite blog to another and Greenandpurple is my first stop! Nice kaau tanan photos Jeff!
May 13, 2014
ngayon ko lang nakita, heart warming, ang gaganda ng pics. :)
    May 13, 2014
    Thanks so much Jun.

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