It’s been a blast, 2018.
Apart from the places where my camera took me
We’ve also worked with a few more people in the wedding industry
Some new and some familiar faces.
Over the course of the year, I’ve collected our pictures
In between shooting.
Thank You Everybody.
Happy, Happy New Year!!!

Here’s Sir Boogie checking if the mirror’s reflection is alright.

And here he is trying to take a picture because…

In July, I shot a wedding together with Rock Paper Scissors. Here’s Jeffroger and Dada.

How for you Dong?

Why are you smiling Dada?

I see something. Hahaha

Sometimes you shoot from up there. Sometimes down there.

Franz A + Rock Paper + Snapcat + Leftfielder? Hahaha

Laughing with the crowd.

Miss Mai with her HR Manager.

Shooting a something for sure.

Miss Mai and myself discussing something.

Yes Miss?

Medamme Nicole obviously laughing at something.

On another not, it was a pleasure to get to know you J. Godspeed!

Checking the settings.

Up close and personal sometimes.

Seriously editing.


I always get to tie.

Bai Glen is wondering why Stephen has to cross his legs while shooting.

Serious again?

It’s a race to the finish line.

Carefully pinning!

Laughing to the sunset.


With Bai Glen again.

Explaining what to do.

From the top!

Jayson with the moves.

Early calltime.

Eating outside the church.

Smiling to the mirror.

Our last wedding for this year was our first at Waterfront in such a long time.

I have big hair.

The groom and the photographer.

That time baby came with us because Mama was a bridesmaid.

And we wore black.

Here, I don’t have hair.

Jayson with the smile for.

And the shades.

Water for you?

A big bag of money, a bigger bag of…

Explaining what to do again.

Unfinished tattoo!

Sometimes two cameras. Back ache after.

Where for?

Playing video.

What pose that?

Jayson again!

And another one.

At the Montebello grounds. We shot a few weddings here this year.

Where people line up for these stairs.

Thank You 2018!