I think the year was 2011 when I first had my hands at wedding photography
Technically the first wedding I shot was for an office mate back in Aboitiz
I’m sure the pictures I had in mind back then didn’t translate to what my camera had
But it was a good step into the work that I do nowadays

That officemate, Vincent, had a brother who was a seminarian, I can clearly recall
Fast forward to this year, Jake, who is Vincent’s brother, ask if I can take pictures
He was going to be Ordained as a priest, I naturally had to say, Yes.

By now I’d have one remaining Sacrament to witness
I’ve basically photographed my way to each and every one of them
The rites for Holy Orders was much like a marriage
But you get married to The Almighty
It was really heartwarming, I was not informed that tearducts will be used.

Thank You Father Jake.