A few minutes ago, Cebu City has shifted to a general community quarantine. Everybody has their own opinion about the move because the threat of being infected with the virus is still a huge possibility. I think I’ll still stay home and just head out for groceries and a few essential errands when needed. That is until something clearer comes up soon, like a vaccine or something.

I don’t know what to make of the shift. The risk that comes with it might just be the same as going on with the Enhanced Community Quarantine status. We have to move forward even if it meant taking baby steps first. There are safety guidelines to be followed and if there’s really no reason to go out, better stay at home.

This blog, about daily life throughout the quarantine period, wasn’t really planned. The idea came up when I realized that I took a photo, or at least a screenshot, every day since the lockdowns started. So after dinner, I browsed through the hundreds of photos and picked one which represented each day since March 14 and missing only a photo for April 2 and May 18.

I’m sure some of you did the same things as I did and perhaps you have pictures on your phone too. My advise is, you keep it. These might mean something in time. Who knows, right? Because up to now, it’s still mind boggling how we got ourselves into this mess. These things are only supposed to happen in movies.

Oh well. Stay Safe Everybody.

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June 1, 2020
Pagka kuginhan! great idea.
    June 1, 2020
      June 1, 2020
      Haha. Always a photographer and a writer Kat.

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