As you can guess by the title, this is about the 5th time or
make that year, that myself and this family of four have met
for these pictures. We didn’t miss a year since 2018 and
even found a way to meet towards the end of 2020. Imagine that!
We didn’t plan on making this an annual affair as matter of fact.
It came out of nowhere and while the kids aren’t particularly fans,
their mom told me that they terribly enjoy looking at the books
we have printed as the years rolled by.
I guess I’m just a little lucky to have bumped into this family,
you know? Year after year, the amount of time taking pictures
become less and less while stories about life and kids and such
are getting longer. It’s amazing really.
We initially planned to trek to Osmeña Peak but decided on a
beach last minute. Maybe next year. Thank You Kaayo Dave, Gie, JV and Gia.